Elizabeth Shaffer

Elizabeth grew up on a farm in Kentucky, where her family ate dinner together every night, and take-out was as foreign as fois gras.  She learned to cook by watching her mother and Saturday afternoon cooking shows on PBS.  Today she cooks in a tiny Uptown kitchen apartment but this doesn’t stop her from trying to create elaborate, multi-course meals for her friends and family (and occasionally her two adorable kitties).

Favorite Flavor: Lemon

Favorite Cookbook: The big yellow Gourmet Cookbook (2004)

Kitchen Tool You Can’t Live Without: Scale; I’m weird about weighing my ingredients

Bagel of Choice: Blueberry, toasted, with a teensy schmear of plain cream cheese

Most Memorable Kitchen Disaster: My 1st apple pie (2003ish). It was beautiful on the outside and a lake of runny apple juice on the inside. Two important baking lessons were learned: don’t try to combine recipes when you don’t know what you’re doing and measure carefully.