
The Party Line: Raising the Curtain on Carolina Politics, is dedicated to examining regional issues and policies through the figures who give shape to them. These are critical, complex, and even downright confusing times we live in. There’s a lot to navigate nationally and in the Carolinas; whether it’s debates on gay marriage, public school closings, or tax incentives for economic development.  The Party Line’s goal is to offer a provocative, intelligent look at the issues and players behind the action; a view that ultimately offers the necessary insight for Carolina voters to hold public servants more accountable.

With the DNC headed to Charlotte in 2012, the politics in these parts will get only more interesting –  the theatre more dramatic, and at times amusing. Come join me behind the curtain – and let me hear your thoughts!

One response to “About

  1. mark isenberg

    I miss your Sunday Observer essays as well as occasional weekday stories,too. I hope you will take a look at what may be going badly at the Democratic Party in Charlotte not because Aisha Dew is in charge but because it has fielded candidates of questionable moral background of late. It is always risky to label any group as too clubby or friends of friends like. Jim Morrill of the Observer is not all that interested beyond noting the low turnout rates at recent elections in explaining what is going wrong here. Tim Funk is more interested in geting more insider details on the 2012 Convention than examing a disconnect between the DNC leadership and what passes for leadership at Mecklenburg County HQ. So,where do you want to take this because it won’t be pretty if you truly want to share what you find behind the curtain.I hope you at least try. Mark in Charlotte who did not vote for Councilperson Mitchell eventhough he is unopposed on the ballot in my Northwest district 89.

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